"Though numbers are, in many regards, decisive, they are not everything. Which is to suggest that…"

“Though numbers are, in many regards, decisive, they are not everything. Which is to suggest that there is another way we might interpret the Occupationists’ deferral of content and the emphasis on process. We might hope that this indicates a potential focus on what these occupations intend to do, and how they intend to do it, rather than what they say or what proclamations they release. This would bring them back to the ideas that emerged out of the original California and New York occupations, which insisted that an occupation was not a bargaining chip but an act of claiming the things we need to survive. Such occupations were not, therefore, about asking for concessions from the state, nor were they simply a launching pad for a new political discourse or a new hegemony. The sign “I am the 99 percent” retains its ambiguity; signs like “Capitalism Cannot Be Reformed” and “It’s Class Warfare and We’re Losing” less so. Such stances, still lurking beneath the slogans on Wall Street, might be one way to think about what is happening (or what could happen) in Zuccotti Park: People learning to provide for each other, now that it is quite clear that capitalism can’t provide for them.”


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