"It is no surprise, then, that these other forms of “creating” are becoming an increasingly dominant…"

“It is no surprise, then, that these other forms of “creating” are becoming an increasingly dominant form of “writing.” The Inter- net didn’t make these other forms of “writing” (what I will call simply “media”) significant. But the Internet and digital technolo- gies opened these media to the masses. Using the tools of digital technology—even the simplest tools, bundled into the most innova- tive modern operating systems—anyone can begin to “write” using images, or music, or video. And using the facilities of a free digital network, anyone can share that writing with anyone else. As with RW text, an ecology of RW media is developing. It is younger than the ecology of RW texts. But it is growing more quickly, and its appeal is much broader.”

Full text of “Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy”

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